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Continuing on the AI importance… - Wolfgang Baier

Continuing on the AI importance…

2. It Allows For Related and Automated Recommendations, Replies and Suggestions

What’s really cool about artificial intelligence, is it can suggest or recommend offers new and old based on your online activities, and other factors such as demographics. For example, on Amazon when shopping it uses predictive analytics to suggest relevant products that might interest you.

When a user subscribes on your website, then you send them an email newsletter is good business, but what if you could recommend a product for them using artificial intelligence?

I think AI is just getting started and get more complex as time and research goes on. These recommendations and suggestions are more in line and in tune with your real interest. Facebook which already uses mainstream artificial intelligence gathers information about you, what you click on, what you like, what you buy, and predictive analytics will only get stronger as AI gets better.

3. AI Cranks Up Much Needed Cyber Security From Hackers

Many people are worried their online security, and when shopping is at its peak, AI does all the heavy lifting to keep out the bad guys with advanced security. Today, secure transactions & security is going beyond simple username and password technology from the late 90’s. Now, AI is the extreme security guy that is in charge, day and night. E-commerce sites can be hacked, and there is a solution dying to made public, AI will drastically improve e-retailer’s detection and response capabilities, and making it very difficult for hackers, which is the good news.

AI technology is able to identify threats faster, assess risks and orchestrate remediation in a heartbeat, while you sleep and run your e-commerce business. At the end of the day, all your marketing efforts are designed to drive your customers to make a purchase. And if their data isn’t secure, they do not buy, that simple.

It’s time to admit that society has reached a tipping point where the sheer volume of security data can no longer be handled by humans. AI cybersecurity has finally arrived.

4. AI Helps With Content Creation & Lead Generation

“Content is King” I heard many times over the years since, Google Panda changed everything on how content ranks and gets free search engine traffic

Why else would marketers take the time to write exhaustive and carefully crafted content? To be error-free and interesting to read, right?

But what if that content can be automated with artificial intelligence?

Smarter with Gartner published a report on AI content creation, a full 20% of business content will be written by machines from 2018. They claim that AI can write business content, shareholder reports, legal documents for lawyers. market reports, press releases, and articles are all prime candidates for automated AI writing tools.

However, you will still need to have structured data for the content generators to work off and feed reports into the CSV correctly. Too automated is still the problem and still needs humans to do the editing. Still, if reasonably high-quality content can be generated with the help of AI, as it will help marketers write more accurate and more content to keep up with increased competition.

And lastly, lead generation. Now with the help of AI marketers are able to communicate, connect with others, curate messages, post content it found by keyword, build email lists and detect replies when somebody asks a question!

This technology is now available on LinkedIn and used by a number of successful entrepreneurs and business owners. It has been a game changer as it helps you get more leads, sales and automate 20 redundant tasks on an everyday basis. A real time saver for business owners.

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