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Combining AI with Ecommerce - Wolfgang Baier

Combining AI with Ecommerce

So by combining AI with Ecommerce, Linkedin and the offline experience for consumers, now consumers can the best of all three worlds called the O3 concept. You can connect with your ideal consumers or clients on Linkedin, use AI to collaborate in messaging and use E-commerce site for the end sale.

In the end the customer & business really benefit. Customer gets what they want, and the business finds their ideal customer through AI, saving thousands of dollars on lead generation marketing efforts.


The impact of AI for marketers & ecommerce businesses is huge!

Using AI can detect replies, which language it was sent in, what they are looking for, search queries and perform the action necessary day and night with tiring or wanting a extended lunch break. It also gets data from past customers & data that will assist your company in detecting good leads and those that are not. Saving you time and money.

AI is all set to make its presence felt like a major player, The “O Mall” as I have put it. It’s got tons to offer people and ways to benefit our economy, and artificial intelligence certainly has it’s advantages that cannot be ignored. The time for the future has arrived!

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